
Principle of car washing gun

Summary: The car washing gun is a very frequently used tool in the field of household car washes. It is very portable, saves water during the car wash process
The car washing gun is a very frequently used tool in the field of household car washes. It is very portable, saves water during the car wash process, and can also perform additional pressurization. The entire car wash process is very environmentally friendly, and it is also very cost-effective. It is affordable and easy to operate. These advantages have greatly promoted the promotion and popularization of car wash water guns. The car wash water gun can not only be used to wash the car, it can also be used to clean the ground, clean the wall, it can also be used to irrigate the plants, and can be used for bathing and playing some water games.
When buying a car wash water gun, everyone is most concerned about the water pressure. The water pressure of the car wash water gun directly affects the effect of the car wash! And many children's shoes who don't know the car wash water gun will want to know the working principle of the high-pressure car wash water gun. The high-pressure water gun can be divided into three types: electric device/pneumatic device, ordinary device, each has a different working principle! !
Electric high-pressure car washing water gun: This is a brand new high-tech automatic car washing equipment. Its power generally comes from the cigarette lighter of the car, and there will be a built-in motor system and bucket inside, so that. The application of this water gun can greatly reduce the washing time, and the time-saving colleague can also save people's effort, and its requirement for water is also very low. Its shortcoming is that the use of electricity will damage the car circuit to a certain extent.
Ordinary pressure device: It uses the natural pressure of tap water to form a function. In the working process, the regulating valve can play a great role. It can squeeze the water out through pressure. This type of car wash water gun has a relatively simple mechanism and relies heavily on the pressure of the tap water itself, but they are relatively inexpensive and easy to operate.
Power is generated by pumping air: The car wash water gun is structurally compared with the ordinary car wash water gun, which is just one more air pump. But it has a unique advantage-it will not rely on the pressure of tap water, and it is also very convenient to carry, and the operation method is also simple, but the price is a little more expensive than ordinary water guns.